Friday, October 12, 2012

Hearing Voices - It's No Joke!

          In honor of National Mental Illness Awareness Week, please take a few moments to learn about schizophrenia, the mental illness that led to the death of my son. Schizophrenia causes moderate to severe disability in 40% of males and 25% of females that are afflicted with the disease, and has a suicide rate that is 12 times that of the general population. Despite the severe impact on its sufferers, the symptoms are the subject of jokes, people with the illness are ridiculed and avoided, and even their families often try to keep their illness a secret - as if it is shameful. Before you make another joke about "hearing voices," or laugh about someone rambling nonsense on the street, think about what you are doing. Making fun of someone who has hallucinations due to schizophrenia is as bad as ridiculing someone who is losing their hair due to cancer. It's not okay to make jokes about an illness that devastates lives. Educate yourself, and help put an end to stigma. As long as stigma exists, better treatment and more research into cures will not happen.

Learn more:
What is Schizophrenia?